

Answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.

Answers to some of our
most frequently asked questions.

Unveiling the truth behind common misconceptions! In this section, we address the most prevalent myths surrounding solar panels. Get ready to discover the real facts about solar energy’s efficiency, affordability, and suitability for your needs. Let’s separate reality from fiction and empower you with accurate insights about the incredible world of solar power.
It’s a long time before solar panels start to pay?
Solar panels start paying from the moment they are connected, and they will continue to pay for their projected lifetime, which is normally 25 years, but potentially much longer.
It takes years to fully pay back the up-front costs?
With electricity costs continually rising the payback periods are rapidly reducing, furthermore, adding solar panels to the average UK house instantly adds £11,500 or 4.0% to the house value.
It's a lot of money to pay upfront.
The cost of solar panels can be spread over longer periods, and during this time the solar panels are generating electricity and therefore money, offsetting financing costs. We can introduce an Authorised Credit Broker who would arrange the appropriate financing.
I may be upsetting the neighbours because they look unsightly when they stick out of the roof.
If aesthetics is a real concern, Solar Panels do not have to stick out, Logic Renewables can supply and install “In-Roof” systems, whereby the solar panels are basically flush to the tiles on the roof.
The cost of storage batteries is quite high.
Not when you work it out because storage batteries store the unused energy from the solar panels generated during the day, which otherwise would be wasted. This is then made available to you in the evening when the light levels drop. Depending on the system, their use can double the amount of free electricity that is available for you to use, therefore doubling the potential savings.
I am told that I can make lots of money by selling electricity back to the grid?
That used to be the case in the days of the “Feed-In-Tariffs”, but that is no longer true. The FIT scheme has now been scrapped and has been replaced by the “Smart Energy Guarantee” scheme, which only pays back a nominal amount for each kWh that you export. The big win is not paying for electricity that you consume now, and that you are paying good money for.
Solar panels are just a fad.
The UK has pledged to reach net zero emissions by 2050 and using renewable energy sources is key. The sun is here to stay, solar energy sources are here to stay, and they go along way to help achieve net zero and save you money along they way.
My money is better off in the bank.
Very unlikely, for example, £10,000 in savings would accrue £400 interest @ 4%, whereas £10,000 invested in solar panels could easily double or even quadruple this return, and of course the value of the property has increased accordingly, so the return on the nett expenditure is vastly more superior.
It wouldn't pay to extend my mortgage to pay for solar panels.
Very unlikely, for example, £10,000 in increased mortgage, annual payments would be around £600 @ 6% interest, whereas £10,000 invested in solar panels could easily double or even quadruple this additional outlay. As above, the value of the property has increased accordingly.